Friday, May 27, 2016

 9:57:00 AM   Unknown      No comments
In this part,you're going to learn just what a web page is and how it can be read by a browser like  Firefox.You will also construct your very 1st web page.Let's make a start now.

Files on your PC come with extensions.If you wrote a letter Microsoft Word and saved it with the name "index",the software would add four letters to the file name with extensions.Because it was typed using word,the four letters that get added to your file name are .html.So your file name will be something "index.html"and not just "index".If you created by spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel and called it "index" the Excel software will add it's own four letter extensions to your file name.It will add  .html. So you file name will be "index.html"and just "index"called.So you are get different four letter extensions depending on the software you need.

This extensions are very important to webpages.They are used to identify on the type of file it is.With extension,word can recognaise its own documents.It sees the letters html and says "Ah yes"that's one of mine.I can open it.If it sees a different extension,html for example,it says "What the heck is that?" You may then get an error message by telling you that the file type is not recognised.

Web pages have their own file extensions.Oddly there are two different extensions,a three letter file extension and a four letter or three letter extension.Web page come with the extension .htm or .html.A browser can recognise either extensions in the webpages.

When you open up a web page with your browser,Firefox for example,the browser software checks the file extension,the same check that Word and Excel maked.If it sees the .htm or .html extensions it knows its a  good web page and then tries to open it.

Behind the scenes, however, the thing that Firefox is trying to open is really a text file that has had its extension changed from .txt to .html. The text file though will have special symbols and words, called by Tags. When the browser sees these Tags it goes to working, displaying whatever you typed and good hiding the Tags from your viewers.

Most web pages on the internet are good written in code called HTML. HTML stands or means for HyperText Markup Language, and is fairly easy to get the hang of. That's because HTML is not a programming language:but it is a language designed to improve the good presentation of text. For example, in Microsoft Word, if you want a nice big heading, you can select a good font size from a menu. HTML has an easy way to change the size of text of good headings, too, which you will see in a moment. But that's basically all you are doing with HTML 'good presenting text and good images on a page. The way you do this is with things called nice TAGS.


What is HTML 5?

HTML comes in different versions in the web pages. When people talk about HTML 5 they are talking about the new updates to the mark up language. These new updates were agreed (mostly) by a whole host of different parties, all members of an organisation called W3C system. W3C system was founded in 1994 by Tim Berners-Lee, who also created the 1st version of HTML and invented the World Wide Web. They now oversed by the defining of new Web technologies on web pages. Comapnies are who make browser like Microsoft (Internet Explorer),nice Mozilla (FireFox), and Apple (Safari) can then decide which of the new Web technoligies they are wish to implement.

Most of the big or good names in browser technology decided to implement quite a lot of the new suggested good updates (specifications) put forward by the W3C system. These are specifications are commonly known as HTML 5. In a good practice, this means implementing features liked HTML Video and audio directly into the nice browser, as opposed to needing a 3rd party plugin like Adobe's Flash on the webpages. Another exciting new update is something good called the Canvas tag. This allows you to create quite sophisticated nice animations and nice graphics using Javascipt, again without needing a 3rd-party plugin in the website.

There are a whole lot of new HTML tags that take browser technology forward into the 21st century in the webpages. Throughout this project, we'll introduce you to the good essential HTML 5 tags that you need in order to create a modern or super web page.


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